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        C'est tout jeune déjà que son goût pour les Arts Plastiques se révéla. Pratiquant beaucoup le dessin, Ludovic a eu l'envie de les matérialiser, ce qui, tout naturellement l' orienta vers la Sculpture. Pour appréhender cette nouvelle dimension, il choisit de faire une formation de taille de pierre qui le projeta dans l' univers de la restauration des monuments historiques. De 1995 à 1999, son parcours se poursuivit par l' École de Beaux Arts de Paris et en 2001, L’École Boulle.

C' est en 2008 que Ludovic décide de se consacrer entièrement à son travail personnel.


Ludovic DUVERNEIX was born in 1973 and it was at a very young age that his affinity with art was reveled. Already accomplished at drawing, he realised from the age of 13 that his work was evolving towards volmue,

which, naturally, oriented him towards sculpture. In order to understand this new dimension, he chose to be trained in stonemasonry and ornementation, which projected him into the universe of restoration

of historical monuments.He was then taught at the école des Beaux Arts de Paris (1995/1999) as well as at the école Boulle (2001/2003).

In 2008 Ludovic decided to focus on his personal work, working on different materials but of course favouring sculpture.

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